Scales corner

A Spanish-language version of the Organizational Commitment Scale of Meyer and Allen (1997), was developed and validated by Arciniega & González (2006). The scale and National percentiles (Mexico: N=4,727) are available from this website (click here).
A Spanish-language version of the Multidimensional Work Ethic Profile (MWEP: Miller, Woehr, and Hudspeth, 2002) was developed and validated by Woehr, Arciniega, & Lim (2007). A new short version (28 items) has been recently validated (Arciniega, Woehr & Del Rincón, 2019). Both version of the MWEP are available under request from [email protected]
A Spanish-language version of the Resistance to Change Scale (RTC: Oreg, 2003) was developed and validated by Arciniega and González (2009). The scale is available under request from [email protected]
A short questionnaire for measuring service quality perceptions in customers of fast-food restaurants, was developed and validated on a sample of clients from a chain of restaurants in Mexico City. The instrument uses nine ítems to assess: environment, staff, and product, and is based on the classic SERVQUAL model of Parasuraman and collaborators. The article describing the new measure was published on Decision (Domenge & Arciniega, 2015). The scale is available on request from the authors.
A Spanish-language version of the Multidimensional Work Ethic Profile (MWEP: Miller, Woehr, and Hudspeth, 2002) was developed and validated by Woehr, Arciniega, & Lim (2007). A new short version (28 items) has been recently validated (Arciniega, Woehr & Del Rincón, 2019). Both version of the MWEP are available under request from [email protected]
A Spanish-language version of the Resistance to Change Scale (RTC: Oreg, 2003) was developed and validated by Arciniega and González (2009). The scale is available under request from [email protected]
A short questionnaire for measuring service quality perceptions in customers of fast-food restaurants, was developed and validated on a sample of clients from a chain of restaurants in Mexico City. The instrument uses nine ítems to assess: environment, staff, and product, and is based on the classic SERVQUAL model of Parasuraman and collaborators. The article describing the new measure was published on Decision (Domenge & Arciniega, 2015). The scale is available on request from the authors.